What’s an Alternative High School? (Is it Right for You?)
You’ve heard about alternative high school and the education options offered through them.
Maybe you’ve been kicking around the idea of going back to get that high school diploma you need or maybe someone mentioned alternative high schools to you as a way for your teen to finish her or his education.
So, what is an alternative high school and is alternative high school a good idea for you or your kid?
What an Accredited Alternative High School Offers Teens
In simplest terms, this type of institution offers a second or third chance – by letting you do things your way.
For a growing number of teens, the social structure of the high school experience becomes overwhelming. For others, there’s a disconnect between their unique talents and the abilities that test-driven curricula can nurture.
You might have felt out of place even though you were keeping pace with your peers just fine.
Others need an alternative to failing schools. You have your sight set on college, but your school’s ability to prepare students is lacking.
You can’t wait until the district becomes organized. Maybe you’re close to throwing up your hands and giving up.
In an alternative setting, you look for inspiration and appropriate challenges that put you on a robust academic path to college admission.
Complete High School Diploma as an Adult Student after Dropping Out
Adult learners are common participants at the local Miami alternative high school.
Life sometimes gets in the way of things. You thought that dropping out of school was a good option at the time. Now, you’ve reevaluated your decision. You realize that you need that high school diploma more than you ever thought possible.
It’s not too late.
To complete your high school diploma after dropping out, you might choose participation in a classroom-based program or opt for a home-based study setup instead.
The home-based, online study offers flexibility for your schedule, which is vital when you have to keep up with work and a busy family schedule.
Getting back into the swing of learning is possible for recent dropouts as well as those who’ve last seen the inside of a classroom a decade ago or longer.
A Word on High School Credit Recovery
To meet your school’s graduation requirements, you need to meet its credit criteria. An accredited alternative high school is an excellent option when you’re currently attending a high school but fell behind in credits.
However, far too many times a student finds her or himself in a Catch-22: you want to earn the credit, but the school doesn’t offer the course. Perhaps it does offer the course, but you apply too late, and the class is now full.
Administrators want to accommodate you, but they can’t help you or even tell you when they’ll offer the course the next time. But graduating with your class is a big deal. You don’t want to waste time.
One of the ways in which traditional and alternative high schools differ is in the options offered for you to supplement your current institution’s curriculum.
Whether you’re behind in credits, have to catch up due to illness, or want to participate in extracurricular activities while also fulfilling your class obligations, an accredited alternative school can help.
For the student who might’ve been struggling with personal problems, high school credit recovery can make the difference between dropping out and keeping up.
If you’ve gone through a pregnancy, overcame a substance abuse problem, or dealt with expulsion, there’s still a way to stay in school.
Rather than try to complete a high school diploma after dropping out, stick with your classes and make up what you’re missing with guaranteed transfer credits.
Who Enrolls at Miami’s Alternative High Schools?
How does it work? It sounds easy, doesn’t it? In fact, it really is easy.
The goal of a student-centered education is to help you make your learning to be as intuitive as possible.
Your teachers and administrators want you to succeed. And sometimes, this means thinking outside of the box.
Middle school and high school students.
Chart a course for your college prep as early as sixth grade. You don’t have to wait until a teen enters high school. Many students are coming into the sixth grade and already realize that their current school doesn’t work for them.
Virtual school.
Brick and mortar learning doesn’t work for everyone. A home-based program can be a better option. Videos and interactivity make it easier for some learners to connect with the subject matter. There’s no need to continue with the classic educational model of lecturing if that doesn’t work for you.
Alternative education.
Students with a learning disability can feel overwhelmed in the traditional classroom. Sometimes educators have a difficult time following IEPs and 504 plans while also teaching for the tests. Rather than lagging behind, soar with a success-focused program.
Dual enrollment for faster college graduation.
Did you know that you could earn college credit at the same time as finishing your high school coursework? When you want to get a leg up on your peers, this is the way to go.
English as a second language.
Access to a language technology center lab allows for individualized instruction. Pairing grade-appropriate curriculum practice with Rosetta-Stone language learning allows for a significant boost in spoken and written communication.
Certainly, an alternative high school’s student body is diverse. But connects students with one another and with the instructors is the desire to move ahead. For those who need to push past challenges, there’s plenty of encouragement.
Is Alternative High School a Good Idea for You?
If you could benefit from non-traditional learning tools and a wider variety of evaluation methods, an alternative to conventional high school attendance makes sense.
Moreover, when you consider how traditional and alternative high schools are different when it comes to addressing the academic and emotional needs of learners, it’s clear that the alternative model has a lot going for it.
After all, what is an alternative high school if not an opportunity to shine?
What Are You Waiting For?
Your Future is Waiting…
Make an appointment with an Admissions Advisor to learn more about finishing your High School Diploma with American High School Academy.
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Most students are referred to American High School Academy by their home school district. However, students and family members can contact us directly to learn more or to enroll in our programs.
Contact us Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to Noon or use our online form to request an appointment to speak with an Admissions Advisor.