NCAA Approved High School for Student Athletes

Our students can learn at their own pace, anytime and anywhere, with the support of certified teachers and counselors. If you're looking a flexible and personalized learning experience that offers a challenging and engaging curriculum while pursuing athletics, American High School Academy is your best choice. Contact us today to speak with an admission counselor and discover the difference we can make in your academic journey.
American High School Academy is an NCAA approved high school and offers approved courses that meet the rigorous standards of quality and effectiveness set by the National Collegiate Athletic Association and the largest community of education professionals in the world. Our courses are also aligned with the Florida Standards and the Common Core State Standards.
Our partnership with Florida Virtual School, the nation's first and largest online public school, provides our students with access to over 190 NCAA approved courses, including Advanced Placement, honors, electives, and career and technical education courses.

Another partner that we work with is Edgenuity, a leading provider of online and blended learning solutions for grades K-12. Edgenuity offers over 300 courses, including core, elective, credit recovery, intervention, and test preparation courses. Edgenuity courses are aligned with state and national standards, and feature interactive tools, videos, animations, and simulations to enhance student learning. Edgenuity courses are also customizable to fit the needs and preferences of our students and teachers.
Edgenuity courses in English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and world languages are approved by the NCAA as meeting its definition of a "core course." This means that student athletes who take these courses can use them to meet the NCAA eligibility requirements for college sports.
American High School Academy broadens our students' educational options to include the opportunity to enroll in Dual Enrollment programs with Miami Dade College and University of South Florida. Dual Enrollment allows eligible students to take college courses while still in high school, earning both high school and college credits at the same time. This can help students save time and money, as well as gain valuable academic and career skills.
At American High School Academy all students are eligible to participate in sports at a Charter or Public school!
♦ Students must follow and meet their respective school's requirements to become a student athlete. ♦

Meet Jayden Simmons, an excellent student in the classroom and basketball player on the court. He is a Senior at American High School Academy, a part of the STEM/Aviation Magnet Program, and a Key Club member.
Jayden is a 4-year Varsity Basketball Center for True North Classical Academy.

Meet Daniel Bravo, an excellent student in the classroom and baseball player on the field. He is a Senior at American High School Academy, a part of the STEM/Aviation Magnet Program, and a Key Club member.
Daniel is a 4 year Varsity Baseball Pitcher for G. Holmes Braddock Senior High School.
Ready to Enroll or to find out more?
Please call (305) 270-1440 Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm or click the button to submit a request to speak with an Admissions Advisor.
Full-time Programs Qualify for Flordia's Step-Up for Student's Scholarship
AHSA's full-time programs qualify for Florida's Step Up for Students scholarship.
Created to provide educational opportunities to empower students to personalize their education and find a learning environment where they can be successful. Visit our Step Up for Students information page for full details and instructions on applying.

Admissions or Program Questions?
We're Here to Help!

Most students are referred to American High School Academy by their home school district. However, students and family members can contact us directly to learn more or to enroll in our programs.
Contact us Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to Noon or use our online form to request an appointment to speak with an Admissions Advisor.

All American High School Association (AAHSA)

Florida Department of Education School Number, 13-4283

U.S. Department of Education, NCES Number, A0509036

College Board
CEEB School Code,