American High School Academy

Message to Parents

In order for a student to be successful, it takes a village which is why families are an integral part of the American High School Academy community. We want your child to be successful not only in academics, but to develop citizenship and kindness. 

We strive to have open communication to provide the best experience not only for your student, but for every member who is part of the village AHSA parents/guardians will have the opportunity to receive communication of the content covered, successes, and receive answers to questions or concerns.

Please feel free to reach out at any time between 9am-4pm.

takes a village graphic
"Success Steps" High School Completion

American High School Academy students are just like you. Some students have personal, social, learning, family and environmental challenges that make it harder for them to be successful in a traditional classroom setting. Some have dropped out and want to return to earn a high school diploma.

Each year, AHSA helps thousands of students stay or get back on track to earning a high school diploma. Regardless of the reason they attend, 94% of high school students successfully complete their enrollment at American High School Academy, graduate, or return to their district school closer to or at grade level.


Many students come to American High School Academy because they:

  • Support family members financially
  • Work full-time
  • Transferred to a new school and lost credits
  • Are managing medical conditions
  • Have a baby
  • Have social anxiety disorders
  • Have a learning disability
  • Experience difficulty concentrating in large classroom settings


Feel valued, respected, confident, independent, and successful.

  • Feel proud of what you accomplished and hopeful about your future.
  • Have time for family, friends, work, and school.
  • Get another chance to succeed in high school so you can succeed after you graduate.
  • American High School Academy's alternative learning, credit recovery, and dropout recovery programs help students get back on track to graduate and prepare them to make positive choices about college, a career - about life - after high school.
Focused on Success


Students work in a welcoming, safe and technology-rich setting and receive one-on-one attention from caring teachers. Students develop strong relationships with American High School Academy teachers, which is vital to helping them achieve high levels of academic, social and behavioral growth.

Our blended learning approach allows teachers to include technology into their work with individual students and small groups. As a result, students and teachers develop richer, deeper positive interactions and students develop self-confidence. Flexible sessions allow time for family, friends, work and school.


The "Success Steps" program offer students:

  • Teachers who care about where you want to go in the future, not what you did in the past.
  • The chance to fall in love with learning and to graduate on time.
  • Emotional support to develop positive relationships with family, friends, co-workers and others.



AHSA crest
All American High School Association Accreditation logo

All American High School Association (AAHSA)

Florida Department of Education logo

Florida Department of Education School Numbers, 13-4283 & 13-1663

US Department of Education logo

U.S. Department of Education, NCES Number, A0509036

College Board Registration logo

College Board
CEEB School Code,

Admissions or Program Questions?
We're Here to Help!

AHSA crest

Most students are referred to American High School Academy by their home school district. However, students and family members can contact us directly to learn more or to enroll in our programs.

Contact us Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm at (305) 270-1440 or use our online form to request an appointment to speak with an Admissions Advisor or Counsellor.